Saturday, March 2, 2013

Crazy Days and the Cat in the Hat

Hey howdy hey readers!!! Sorry that I haven't blogged since Wednesday, I just had a couple of crazy days lately. Where do I start? On Thursday, I had a fairly normal school day. I, for the first time in my four years at high school, went to the track meet that afternoon. It was pretty awesome to see my friends run and jump like they are being attacked by some ghost. I stayed for about two hours until I had to go home and do homework. About that homework...haha. I got distracted by something I saw on this Marvel Toyline group I am a part of. I saw an action figure that was modeled after the 90s X-Men that were drawn by Jim Lee for sale. After 3 hours of chatting with a seller on the group, I had a Jim Lee Wolverine ready to ship to my house. Unfortunately, the card that held the figure was destroyed and I decided to get a different figure. You probably ask: Why am I trying so hard to find these figures? The answer is simple: I would like to have an action figure signed by the artist who drew the characters these figures they are based on. Yes, Jim Lee himself will be at the 2nd annual Wondercon in Anaheim, California. Oh we ll. If any of you happen upon a Jim Lee Cyclops Marvel Universe figure, holler at me. I would very much appreciate it. Anyway, after that mishap ended, I decided to work on my take-home physics test. And boy was that a hard test (harder than trying to get 5 gold stars on OMG on Dance Central 3) took four and a half hours to finish. When I woke up the next day, I realized I had over half of my Psychology work left to do by fourth period. Quickly, I did my work as fast (and as neat) as I could. Crap! In my rush to write down stuff I completely forgot to study my material. Fourth period rolled around and I had a huge surprise: we had a sub an the test was postponed to next Monday! Thank you Virgin de Guadalupe!!! When I got home, I decided to try to take a nap...but that didn't work. That night, I spent three and a half hours trying to make Cyclops-styled visor and battle staves. However, it didn't work...all that it ended up being was a HOT MESS. Oh well...I guess it won't be that bad for a first try at making a costume. Today, I attended an event at a Barnes and Noble in Redlands. It was fun until the kids up and got crazy. It was more chaotic than the two-part reunion special of Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta. At one point...I was trying to take a picture with The Cat in the Hat; however, this damn kid photo-bombed me and made me want to attack him. I guess that's just my luck.
Demonic child that photo-bombed me.

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