The Magicianal World of Alejandro (Alex) Alva
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Wonder-Con: Working Towards a Costume
It's March 3 already...isn't that Krazy?! Anyway, the second annual Wonder-Con in Anaheim, California is fast approaching. In 26 days, I will be at Anaheim partying it up by enjoying everything that is geekdom and comic book related. I went last year for the first time and I had a blast. If you don't know what Wonder-Con is, think of it as a smaller cousin to Comic-Con. This year, I will be going in a costume for the first time ever. Some of you may be asking: "What are you going as?" After long consideration (and a Community mini marathon), I decided I would become a character in the Marvel Universe; I wanted to be someone who was somewhat unknown: Taskmaster. You ask: "Who is Taskmaster?" To answer your question, Taskmaster is a mercenary that has the ability to learn and replicate the move sets of any target (including Captain America) he faces. Think of him not as a villain or hero, but rather an anti-hero. If you want to know more, I direct you to this page to do more research (on your own time): Anyway, I won't be alone in making this costume come to life. My wonderful grandma (who is a wizard at sewing clothes and knitting) will be making the main costume, my mother will get the supplies necessary to make this happen, and I (with the help of some friends) will make the weapons that will bring this costume together. With that, I leave you with this picture of my soon to be costume. Until tomorrow, goodbye!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Crazy Days and the Cat in the Hat
Hey howdy hey readers!!! Sorry that I haven't blogged since Wednesday, I just had a couple of crazy days lately. Where do I start? On Thursday, I had a fairly normal school day. I, for the first time in my four years at high school, went to the track meet that afternoon. It was pretty awesome to see my friends run and jump like they are being attacked by some ghost. I stayed for about two hours until I had to go home and do homework. About that homework...haha. I got distracted by something I saw on this Marvel Toyline group I am a part of. I saw an action figure that was modeled after the 90s X-Men that were drawn by Jim Lee for sale. After 3 hours of chatting with a seller on the group, I had a Jim Lee Wolverine ready to ship to my house. Unfortunately, the card that held the figure was destroyed and I decided to get a different figure. You probably ask: Why am I trying so hard to find these figures? The answer is simple: I would like to have an action figure signed by the artist who drew the characters these figures they are based on. Yes, Jim Lee himself will be at the 2nd annual Wondercon in Anaheim, California. Oh we ll. If any of you happen upon a Jim Lee Cyclops Marvel Universe figure, holler at me. I would very much appreciate it. Anyway, after that mishap ended, I decided to work on my take-home physics test. And boy was that a hard test (harder than trying to get 5 gold stars on OMG on Dance Central 3) took four and a half hours to finish. When I woke up the next day, I realized I had over half of my Psychology work left to do by fourth period. Quickly, I did my work as fast (and as neat) as I could. Crap! In my rush to write down stuff I completely forgot to study my material. Fourth period rolled around and I had a huge surprise: we had a sub an the test was postponed to next Monday! Thank you Virgin de Guadalupe!!! When I got home, I decided to try to take a nap...but that didn't work. That night, I spent three and a half hours trying to make Cyclops-styled visor and battle staves. However, it didn't work...all that it ended up being was a HOT MESS. Oh well...I guess it won't be that bad for a first try at making a costume. Today, I attended an event at a Barnes and Noble in Redlands. It was fun until the kids up and got crazy. It was more chaotic than the two-part reunion special of Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta. At one point...I was trying to take a picture with The Cat in the Hat; however, this damn kid photo-bombed me and made me want to attack him. I guess that's just my luck.
Demonic child that photo-bombed me.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Season 7?! Already!!
It's weird to think that the seventh season of Psych has already hit the airwaves. Although it should have been on the air since last October, it's rather nice to see Shawn, Gus and the rest of the gang return to their silly antics and ridiculous crime-solving "techniques". It's odd to think that it has been more than seven years since I was introduced to the show; that's my middle school and high school career combined! Every time I witness Shawn or Gus undergo a growth in character, I feel myself maturing as well. Don't worry it's not some creepy, obsessive type of thing where I believe I am living vicariously through them (I will save all the craziness for the American Idol crazies). Unlike Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta, Psych makes me use my brain in order to follow the plot lines and obscure 80s references. Maybe I should make obscure 80s references from now on...hmmm. I also love Psych because they had an episode where they solved the murder of an animal from the aquarium and Shawn wanted to ride a dolphin (dolphins are awesome!!!!) Anyway, that's all I got for today. Goodbye.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Motorcycle Ride?! Um...
Hey howdy hey everybody. Sorry about not posting yesterday. I was just getting over some Krazy stuff yesterday. First of all, I got an A on a test I didn't even study for! :D Then, I made this cool Rorschach test in my psychology class (not gonna lie but kind of creeps me out a bit). Tell me what you think. Anyway, the craziest thing didn't occur until I got home from school. I got home a little later than usual; therefore, missing the bus (which was alright with me). I was going to take the public bus to the mall to go look at some action figures. After finding out I missed the bus, I decided I would just stay home. However, my mom thought otherwise. She proposed that she take me to the mall...but here's the catch: I had to go on her motorcycle. I have a certain aversion to motorcycles; I Iabel them as screaming metal death traps. Anyway, I decided to give it a go because I realized that life was too short to keep living in fear. After getting on the bike (that's the street name for motorcycle) and heading towards the mall, my fear began to subside. I thought that it wasn't as bad as I perceived it to be. The only problem was this one point where we hit a pothole and I kind of flew into the air a little. Ultimately, this moment was the beginning of a long list of things I will try (at least once) before it's too late.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Lazy Sunday and Dreaded Mondays
I spent my day like many other people: being lazy. It's nice to set aside a day (After trudging through the demands of school) and snuggle up in a bed and watch a television show. Today was one of those days for me. For the past six hours, I was watching the first season of the show Community. I would say I was addicted, but I just simply label it as appreciating. Although it feels strange not having to worry about a test or homework assignment, I rather enjoy these days and treasure them. Cause tomorrow will come and another day of surviving the complexities will slap me in the face. This process (one that I despise) repeats itself for the next four days. How many times do I have to hear a high school freshman worrying about getting a girlfriend. Child please....when I was a freshman all I worried about was doing well in school and staying out of trouble. Anyway, I watched twenty-four episodes of that show and laid on my Marvel Heroes pillow (Yes...I a have Marvel pillowcase and it is hella comfy).It's on these "Lazy Sundays" that my brain rests and recharges itself like those Krazy Energizer (the company that has that little bunny with the drum that goes on and on or some type of stuff like that...I don't know) batteries that recharge. When the sun goes down and the stars come out (Dammit...I just realized I quoted a song from that British band), I start occupying myself with some type of mental stimulation. My favorite go to activity is writing fictional stories; the writing of fictional stories allows me to create a universe in vain of the one created by Marvel comics. After spending an hour on my writing, I usually find myself sinking into another "Lazy Period," which usually consists of lying on my bed and watching some type of movie (which is usually Beauty Shop). I love Beauty Shop; that movie is so hilarious with its random jokes and sassy retorts. It usually cheers me up and puts me at ease (even after watching it five hundred and forty-seven times). Anyway, I usually find myself in my "Lazy Period," which interrupts my late-night sleep pattern and causes me to wake up in a rather grouchy mood (cross me in that mood and I may cut you...or not...). Due to my "Lazy Sundays," the day ahead transforms into "Dreaded Mondays". These are the days where I begin to mutter to myself, excessively roll my eyes and sass random strangers at school. For example, a few weeks ago, I underwent the most dreaded "Dreaded Monday". On that day, I encountered a girl who cut in the lunch line (because apparently she was in some big rush). Quickly, I piped up and said (rather loudly): "Excuse me?!" The girl turns around and replies: "You talkin' to me?" "Um...yes...don't be cuttin'. There are tons of people who have waited to get their lunch. Get to the back of the damn line." She spent the next few minutes ignoring the final words that trailed out of my mouth. "Did you hear me?" The next few words that she hurled at me consisted of middle fingers and bad words. I remained silent (for about two seconds) and piped up again: " must be mistaken...what gives you the right to talk to me like that girl from Love and Hip Hop. Get some class and a dictionary...because you exhausted all of your vocabulary." She stood there for a second and gossiped with her friends. "Did you just call me stupid?" "I didn't call you Albert let that sink into your mind." "Shut up little kid!" "I'm a senior!" This exchange went on for about two more minutes. Suddenly, silence fell (the thought of baby dolphins playing in the clean ocean kept me from going Love and Hip Hop Atlanta)...when we both got our lunch, I spotted her waiting outside for her friends as they got their lunch. I leave her with a few words of wisdom before I head back to my friends: "It would be wise to try hitting the books rather than the tricks in your 'hood'. A little bit bit of reading (not of the sassy variety) will do wonders for your mind...maybe then you won't have to resort to your Have a nice day!" With that said, I walked away and survived the worst "Dreaded Monday" in recent history.
Readers, don't be afraid to comment!!!
Readers, don't be afraid to comment!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Action Figures and Tiny Heroes
Some who know me are aware of my affinity for action figures. I know some of you are thinking how weird it is that an eighteen year old collects "toys". For me, action figures are more than toys. They are a representation of something more; they spark creativity and they incite joy in me. When I open up a package and pull out the action figure (Yes I open up my action figures. That's the only way I collect them...I am not in it for keeping them in little "prison cells" and selling them off for cash.), I like to admire the craftsmanship and the paint jobs. The way the paint blends or how the shading is applied takes a figure from DAMN! It's the beauty of how a company can capture the essence and likeliness of a superhero in something under four inches.With action figures, the possibilities are endless; I can recreate comic events or even create my own. For example, I staged an epic battle between the supervillain team of Thanos, Ultron and Red Hulk (also known as Rulk) and the heroic team of Adam Warlock, Beta Ray Bill and Iron Man. At one point in the fight I decided to mix things up by including Namor (the prince of Atlantis). It was he who ended the struggle by riding in the fray on a toy dolphin (one I got at a 99 cent store) and defeating the enemies with a trident. Action figures spark the creativity I need to write fictional stories; whenever I have writer's block, I take out my action figures and play a little bit...then...BAM! Suddenly, an idea jumps into my head and I run with it. My favorite thing about action figures is that I can share my passion of Marvel heroes and educate them about each hero or villain that I own. The moment when a child's eyes beam up when they pick up an action figure in my collection and instantly attach themselves to it makes me all the more happy to continue pursuing this hobby. Another amazing aspect about collecting action figures has to do with the thrill of the hunt. Due to the growing scarcity of the Marvel Universe toyline, it has become more difficult for me to get my hands on the newest figures that are "released". So when I stumble upon figures, I immediately jump for joy and a prideful feeling of success wells up in me. The only thing worrying me about collecting action figures is what happens next. What happens when I go off to college? I know I cannot take all forty-five of my figures, but I will take my favorites. I also worry about getting ridiculed by potential roommates or classmates; however, when my passion comes to life, all of my fears subside. There are always people who will disagree with what I may like, and I am okay with that. You never know, I may find a friend at college who also enjoys collecting action figures. That would be cool! Action figures are a part of me (even though they are fundamentally pieces of plastic), just like comics and my scars, they define who I am. With time, I will still remain the same. If I ever become succesful and famous, you can still find me walking down the aisles of Toys R Us looking for the latest Marvel action figures. So I leave you readers with these last words: Don't hate, just congratulate.
Friday, February 22, 2013
An Economic Mess and A Thought
It was first period today when the class was instructed to clear their desk and take out their calculators. We were handed the test and told we have the whole period to finish it. I get to the first part of the test, which consisted of matching a term to their definition. With my mind racing a mile a minute, I thought I was cruising towards an easy A (and I am not at talking about that hilarious movie starring Emma Stone). Unfortunately, when I began the second part of the exam, all my confidence shattered. I didn't freak out like I usually did in ninth or tenth grade; instead I stared at my sheet and felt a bewildered look creeping onto my face. When I reached the second question of the test I knew things were going to get worse from there. Who knew trying to find the real GDP for a given year was so confusing? It was more confusing than trying to explain to someone the reasoning behind the fight between Yandy and Raqi in the second episode of Love and Hip Hop. Anyway, I moved on to the third problem when the economics teacher walked up to the board an announced that some of the information on the third question was misleading and incorrect. He then jokingly added that we were the guinea pigs. I thought: Are you for real? I be trying to get all these numbers together and trying to get that answer and know you make MY work worthless. Aw...hell naw. After my rather off-key train of thought left the station, I continued the problem and made my way to the last question of the test. The bell rang and class was over. Luckily, the teacher gave us the option to come back in at lunch and finish our test. I went onto my next two periods and pretended to care about what I was learning about. I get to my Psychology class where we watch a video about thrillseekers. It then occurs to me that I really want to experience skydiving once...just to say that I did something Krazy. Do you think I should it? If I were to do it, I picture myself screaming louder than Queen Latifah in that scene in Last Holiday when she tries base jumping for the first time. At the beginning of lunch, I made my way to my economics class and studied for my exam. I get inside the classroom and search for my test. Thirty five minutes later, I finished my test and got lunch. Pizza!!! Yum! Fifth period rolls around and I volunteer to help make posters to draw people into joining the school newspaper. I was of no help at all. I was a HOT MESS from beginning to end. I sassed some people as usual (I have become so good at it I cannot shut it's like it's on auto-pilot most of the time) but I got nothing done. The one time I tried to help someone create a poster, I mess it up to the point where it is almost not possible to fix it. It is moments like these (and the ones in my Ceramics class) where I realize I am so bad at art that a one year old can draw better than me. Honestly, this is the best I can draw:
P.S. This is not a drawing by me.
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